Effects of substratum morphology on cell physiology

Among the host of substratum properties that affect animal cell behavior, surface morphology has received relatively little attention. The earliest effect of surface morphology on animal cells was discovered almost a century ago when it was found that cells became oriented in response to the underlying topography. This phenomenon is now commonly known as contact guidance. From then until very recentrly, little progress has been made in understanding the role of surface morphology on cell behavior, primarily due to a lack of defined surfaces with uniform morphologies. This problem has been solved recently with the development of photolithographic techniques to prepare substrata with well defined and uniform surface morphologies. Availability of such surfaces has facilitated systematic in vitro experiments to study influence of surface morphology on diverse cell physiological aspects such as adhesion, growth, and function. For example, these studies have shown that surfaces with uniform multipls parallel grooves can enhance cell adhesion by confining cells in grooves and by mechanically interlocking them. Several independent studies have demosterated that cell shape is a major determinant of cell growth and function. Because surface morphology has been shown to modulate the extent of cell spreading and cell shape, its effects on cell growth and function appear to be mediated via this biological coupling between cell shape and function. New evidence in the cell biology literature is emerging to suggest that surface morphology could affect other cell behavioral properties such as post-translational modifications. Further elucidation of such effects will enable better designs for implant and cell culture substrata.