Bacillus thermoruber sp. nov., nom. rev., a Red-Pigmented Thermophilic Bacterium

The morphological, cultural, and physiological properties of a new species of Bacillus are reviewed. This microorganism, for which we propose the name Bacillus thermoruber, is motile, produces terminal or subterminal oval endospores in swollen sporangia, and shows optimal growth at 45 to C. It is characterized by a high deoxyribonucleic acid guanine-plus-cytosine content (57 .+-. 0.8 mol%) and a red, endocellular nondiffusible pigment. The type strain is strain BT2, which has been deposited in the collection of the Cattedra di Microbiologia Industriale, Universita degli Studi di Milano (Italy) as strain MIM 30.8.38.