Purification and Properties of Streptococcal Competence Factor Isolated from Chemically Defined Medium

A procedure for the isolation and purification of competence factor produced in a defined medium by group H streptococci, strain Challis-6, is presented. Partial characterization and chemical analysis of the product are described. The procedure yields competence factor of high purity, as shown by homogeneity in electrofocusing, by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, and by chemical analysis. The data indicate that competence factor is a small, dialyzable, highly basic compound. It is free from lipids, phosphorus, and carbohydrates, and is colorless and thermoresistant. Its biological activity is destroyed by trypsin but not by deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease, lipase, or lysozyme. Its high isoelectric point of above pH 11.0 suggests that competence factor may be a protamine or a polymer of basic amino acids. The possibility that a polyamine may be an integral part of the polypeptide molecule has not been excluded.