The history of investigation of the Silurian rocks of the Dunquin inlier, Dingle Peninsula, County Kerry, Ireland is briefly reviewed. The Dunquin Group of upper Wenlock (Homerian) to middle Ludlow (Ludfordian) sedimentary and volcanic rocks is divided into five formations: the Ferriters Cove, Clogher Head, Mill Cove, Drom Point and Croaghmarhin Formations, the last of which reaches the Ludlow and passes transitionally into the succeeding continental Dingle Group, probably largely Přídolí in age. The Dunquin group is of varied shallow marine sediments with a continental episode probably represented in the Mill Cove Formation. The biostratigraphy of the other four formations is considered in relation to a full faunal list. Details of representative sections and exposures are provided. There is brief comment on the palaeogeographical setting of the inlier.

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