Children of Battered Women: Developmental and Learning Profiles

Children in battered women's shelters have been shown to have more behavior problems than their peers but limited information is available about their development. A pilot survey was undertaken to determine the prevalence of developmental or academic problems in children of residents of a battered women's shelter. Demographic data, medical and school histories and responses to standardized developmental or behavioral surveys were obtained from 39 mothers of 76 children. Two-thirds of the children were victims of abuse. On the Minnesota Child Development Inventory, the mean General Developmental Quotient (DQ) of 28 preschool children was 98; however, 39% had developmental delays by test criteria. Of 46 school-aged children, 21 (46%) had evidence of academic problems, including grade repetition, failing grades and need for special educational services. On the Louisville Behavior Checklist, 75% of 48 children had behavior problems. Children in a battered women's shelter are likely to experience academic and behavioral problems; however, further study is needed to elucidate etiological factors.

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