Use of Rifampin for Severe Pruritus in Children with Chronic Cholestasis

Rifampin has been proposed to reduce pruritus in children and adults with chronic cholestasis; however, there is a paucity of published data regarding the use of rifampin in children. In an open trial, 24 children were evaluated during a 6-year period. Diagnoses included 13 patients with extrahepatic biliary atresia (54%), six with Alagille's syndrome, three with Byler's disease, and one each with primary sclerosing cholangitis and α1-antitrypsin deficiency. All patients had severe pruritus deficiency. All patients had severe pruritus that had not responded adequately to at least 2 months of therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid, diphenhydramine, or phenobarbital and local skin care measures. Treatment was initiated with rifampin, 10 mg/kg per day in two divided doses for 18 ± 20 months, and the effect on the severity of pruritus was assessed by a clinical scoring system. Ten patients showed a complete response, 12 a partial response, and 2 no response. Complete response was more common in extrahepatic cholestasis (64% vs. 10%), whereas partial response was more common in intrahepatic cholestasis (80% vs. 29%). Treatment was associated with reduction of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase. No clinical or biochemical toxicity of rifampin was observed. We conclude that for more than 90% of children with chronic cholestasis and severe pruritus unresponsive to other treatments, rifampin appears to be a safe and effective therapy.