ARTERIOVENOUS aneurysms in the integument may occur anywhere but are more common in the head than over the remainder of the body, and most of these are in the scalp. They are not common; perhaps between 200 and 300 cases have been reported. Elkin (1924)1 described a case from Cushing's clinic and noted that this was the only case of its kind that Cushing had seen in his entire experience up to that time in over 35,000 patients admitted to hospitals. Nine additional cases are reported; 1 of these was from Dr. Blalock's clinic and is added, with his permission. Heine (1869)2 collected the first series of cases of arteriovenous aneursyms occurring in the head, 60 in all, but he questioned the diagnosis in 15. In 46 cases the aneurysms were in the scalp (including twelve back of the ear), in 13 cases they were in the face