The cartilage matrix of the developing proximal epiphysial disc of the rat tibia shows definite histochemical alterations in its polysaccharide pattern. Acid polysaccharides gradually decrease, PAS-staining shows an increase. The zone of proliferating cartilage is characterized by an intense acid polysaccharide staining, absence of PAS-staining and non-fuchsinophilia. In the zone of resting cartilage, the staining pattern is a reverse one. The matrix of the articular cartilage stains the same way as the matrix of the resting cartilage in the epiphysial disc. In the longitudinal elements of the calcification zone of the matrix, which are resistant to metaphysial capillary erosion, PAS-staining predominates over acid polysaccharide staining. The transverse partitions in this zone are only weakly PAS-positive, which makes acid polysaccharide staining dominant. Some degree of reciprocity may exist between certain acid and certain neutral polysaccharides during the dynamic alterations in the epiphysial plate. A collagen stabilizing function is ascribed to the neutral polysaccharides. The acid polysaccharides form complexes with collagen rendering the latter less stable. Provisional calcifica-tion is topographically related to PAS-positive substances.