The different elements of the caudal skeleton of the South American catfish genera Nematogenys (Nematogenyinae) and Trichomycterus, Hatcheria, and Bullockia (Pygidiinae) (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) show Ontogenetic transformation of the second ural centrum in Trichomycteridae separates the subfamilies Nematogenyinae and Pygidiinae. In the former, the second ural centrum is aligned with the first ural centrum in early stages of ontogeny; it is not fused with the bases of hypurals 3 and 4 in any stage of development. In the Pygidiinae, in contrast, the second ural centrum is connected with the base of hypural 3 from an early stage of development on. One of the most noteworthy features of the Pygidiinae is the epural, a polymorphic element with three or four morphotypes that are species specific. The primitive catfish Nematogenys shows intraspecific variation in the ural centra, segmentation of procurrent caudal rays, and principal caudal ray formulae. Species of Trichomycterus, Hatcheria, and Bullockia are characterized by great intraspecific variability that involves ural centra, the epural, hypurapophyses, and the neural arches of the compound centrum. There is intraspecific variation in the fusion of the hypurals in some species of Trichomycterus. Intraspecific variation of the caudal skeleton of fishes of the family Trichomycteridae involves the presence and frequency of different morphotypes of the epural, neural arch of the compound centrum, fusion of hypurals, and principal caudal ray formulae. Ontogenetic changes of the first and second ural centra, hypurapophyses (with the exception of Nematogenys), and segmentation of procurrent caudal rays (in Nematogenys) are involved also.