The Bacillus subtilis nitrogen transcriptional factor TnrA is inactive in cells grown with excess nitrogen, e.g., glutamine or glutamate plus ammonium, because feedback-inhibited glutamine synthetase (product of glnA ) binds to TnrA and blocks its DNA-binding activity. Two conditional mutations that allow TnrA-dependent gene expression in cells grown with glutamate plus ammonium, but not in glutamine-grown cells, were characterized. One mutant contained a mutation in the glnA ribosome binding site, while the other mutant synthesized a truncated GlnR protein that constitutively repressed glnRA expression. The levels of glutamine synthetase were reduced in both mutants. As a result, when these mutants are grown with excess nitrogen in the absence of glutamine, there is insufficient production of the feedback inhibitors necessary to convert glutamine synthetase into its feedback-inhibited form and TnrA-activated genes are expressed at high levels.