SU(3)symmetry breaking in hyperon semileptonic decays

Flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking in the hyperon semileptonic decay form-factors is analyzed using the 1/N expansion. A detailed comparison with experimental data shows that corrections to f_1 are approximately 10%, which agrees with theoretical expectations. Corrections to g_1 are compatible with first-order symmetry breaking. A fit to the experimental data allows one to predict the g_1 form factor for Xi^0 -> Sigma^+ decay. The proton matrix element of the T^8 component of the axial current (which is equal to 3F-D in the SU(3) symmetry limit) is found to be approximately 0.34.Comment: 18 pages (revtex). Discussion of theory errors added. Two redundant parameters for symmetry breaking in f1 deleted. Central values for the fits remain unchanged, but some of the errors are modifie