A Kenya Standardization of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices

This study established for the first time a Kenyan standardization of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM), a nonverbal instrument widely used to assess academic aptitude in young children. The sample of 1370 children between the ages of six and ten years was gathered in the primary schools of the Municipality of Nakuru, a region representative of the overall population of Kenya. Percentile scores for boys and girls by age group were generated. Demographic and academic information on participants was gathered using a teacher questionnaire. Test-retest reliability for the instrument was established by re-administering the Raven's to a randomly selected subsample of 50 children at a two week interval. Internal consistency reliability was generated using Cronbach's alpha. Using the current data, the RCPM appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for use in screening Kenyan children.