A gracile hominid cranium from upper member G of the Shungura Formation, Ethiopia

A fragmentary hominid cranium with teeth, specimen L.894‐1, dating from 1.84 m.y. BP in the Shungura Formation at Omo, is described. From its dental and cranial morphology and because of similarities to Olduvai Hominids 24 and 13 and Sangiran 4, among others, it is concluded that the specimen represents a member of an early species of the genus Homo (Homo habilis or Homo modjokertensis). The specimen shows approximal grooving on the premolars, pre‐mortem chipping of the molar enamel, foramina ovale and spinosum divided by the sphenosquamosal suture, limited pneumatization of the mastoid region, and a possible interparietal bone. Sedimentological, ostracod, pollen, macrofloral, and taphonomic data indicate that the paleo‐environmental context was a savanna/grassland or savanna woodland on the margin of a saline lake.