A Density-Management Diagram for Slash Pine Plantations in the Lower Coastal Plain

Data from 92 regional, midrotation-fertilizer trials were used to develop a density-management diagram for site-prepared slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii) plantations. The density-management diagram shows the interrelationships of five important stand variables (i.e., quadraticmean diameter (Dq), trees/ac, site height, standing volume/ac, and relative current annual increment) in a graphical form. The diagram can aid foresters in designing and comparing alternative density-management regimes for slash pine. In doing so, foresters can evaluate individualtree and stand level performances in relation to growing stock levels and make field approximations of growth and yield for various density-management regimes. Results indicated that fertilization and soil type had minimal effects on the diagram's isolines. This suggests broad applicabilityof the diagram for fertilized or unfertilized plantations found in the lower Coastal Plain. The use of the diagram is illustrated with three alternative density-management regimes, and a method is presented for estimating midrotation fertilization responses. South. J. Appl. For. 16(4):178-185

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