Sorghum Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Adult Ovipositional Behavior on Resistant and Susceptible Sorghum Hybrids

Ovipositional behavior of adult sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett), on a midge-resistant (‘AT×2755 × T×2767’) and a midge-susceptible (‘AT×2752 × T×430’) sorghum hybrid was compared under field conditions at College Station, Tex., in 1983. Searching time, interval between two oviposition attempts, and number of flowers searched were recorded for a total of 320 adult female midges during four occasions. Probing time and frequency of ovipositional success were recorded for a total of 258 adult midges during 10 occasions. Adult midges searched flowers of the resistant hybrid more rapidly than flowers of the susceptible hybrid; however, probing/ovipositional time was longer for females on the resistant hybrid. Ovipositional efficiency of the sorghum midge female was 4-fold less on flowers of the resistant hybrid than those of the susceptible hybrid.

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