General solutions of the maser polarization problem are presented for arbitrary absorption coefficients. The results are used to calculate polarization for masers permeated by magnetic fields with arbitrary values of \xB, the ratio of Zeeman splitting to Doppler linewidth, and for anisotropic pumping. The $\xb \to 0$ limit of the magnetic solution reproduces the linear polarization derived in previous studies, which were always conducted at this unphysical limit. While terms of higher order in \xb\ have a negligible effect on the magnitude of $q$, they produce some major new results. In particular, the linear polarization is accompanied by circular polarization, proportional to \xb. Because \xb\ is proportional to the transition wavelength, the circular polarization of SiO masers should decrease with rotation quantum number, as observed. In the absence of theory for $\xb < 1$, previous estimates of magnetic fields from detected maser circular polarization had to rely on conjectures in this case and generally need to be revised downward. The fields in SiO masers are \about\ 2--10 G and were overestimated by a factor of 8. The OH maser regions around supergiants have fields of \about\ 0.1--0.5 mG, which were overestimated by factors of 10--100. The fields were properly estimated for OH/IR masers ($\la$ 0.1 mG) and \H2O masers in star-forming regions (\about\ 15--50 mG). Spurious solutions that required stability analysis for their removal in all previous studies are never reproduced here; in particular, there are no stationary physical solutions for propagation at $\sin^2\theta < \third$, where $\theta$ is the angle from the direction of the magnetic field, so such radiation is unpolarized. These spurious solutions can be identified as the \xb\ = 0 limits of non-physical solutions and they never arise at finite

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