The Ultrasonic Velocity Detector in a Clinical Study of Venous Disease

THE CLINICAL evaluation of diseases involving the venous system has been hampered somewhat by the lack of ancillary diagnostic aids. Aside from the history and physical examination, the only readily available methods of study are venography and venous pressure measurements. These techniques have not generally been accepted with the same enthusiasm as arteriography or plethysmography have in arterial disease because it is only in special circumstances that the findings directly influence the type of therapy to be employed. While it is certainly true that there are entities such as varicose veins, superficial thrombophlebitis, and iliofemoral thrombosis which are often simple to diagnose, there are many situations in which additional information would be desirable. The recent introduction of the ultrasonic velocity detector has provided us with a new method of obtaining qualitative information relative to venous dynamics hitherto unavailable. Because of its simplicity of operation and versatility, the detector is proving