Rats were starved for seven days and the effects on corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) content in the stalk median eminence (SME), corticotrophin content in the anterior pituitary gland (AP), basal plasma corticosterone response to ethyl ether stress were determined. The weight changes in the adrenal and anterior pituitary glands were also studied. When compared to the control group, starvation resulted in a significant increase in stored GRF in the SME. There was a decrease in the corticotrophin content in the AP during starvation but the differences between the starved and the control group were not statistically significant. Pre- and post-stress plasma levels of corticosterone were significantly increased in the starved animals. The weights of the adrenals and of the anterior pituitary glands were significantly increased in the starved animals, when calculated per 100 g body weight. The absolute weight of the adrenals was not significantly increased in the starved animals. There was a significant decrease in the absolute weight of the AP.