A milking experiment with range, single-suckled beef cows was conducted over two lactations in 1976 and 1977 at the University of Alberta Research Ranch. A total of 428 cows were milked, ranging from 2 to 10 yr of age and representing four breed groups of Herefords and crossbreds of traditional beef and dairy breeds. Measurements of milk were taken in June and September each year. Milk was extracted following an intrajugular injection of 20 IU of oxytocin. Samples were analyzed for butterfat percent, protein percent and lactose percent. Age and breed of dam differences in milk yields, constituent percentages and yields were assessed. Least squares means of yields pooled over the two periods each year indicated that dams with Holstein and Brown Swiss breeding (DS) yielded more milk than beef crossbreds and purebred Herefords. Average milk yields estimated over 24 h ranged from 5.7 kg/day for Herefords to 7.8 kg/day for DS dams. Compared to 2-yr olds at 100%, 3-yr olds produced 125%, 4-yr olds 136% and mature cows 139% greater yield. The difference between June and September yields was evident between breed groups. Hereford milk production exhibited the greatest decline over 87 days compared to all other crossbreds and DS were the most persistent. Mature cows maintained milk yields better than younger cows, and 2-yr old milk yields declined most noticeably. All crossbred groups produced less butterfat percent and lactose percent content than the Herefords, yet yielded more total energy. All constituent percentages were higher than those reported for commercial dairy cattle. All constituent percentages increased significantly from June to September at approximately 130 days in lactation. A significant decline was noted for all constituent yields in September. Dairy crossbreds demonstrated the highest persistency for all constituent yields. Beef Synthetic dams were intermediate in yield persistency. Average milk yields had negative (P < 0.05) correlations with average constituent percentages. Inter-correlations among constituent percentages were variable and generally small and negative. Key words: Lactation, range cows