Clones of ten 4x-2x hybrid families were obtained by crossing five Group Tuberosum parents with each of two (Group Phureja × haploid Group Tuberosum) parents. The performances of horticultural traits of the 4x-2x progenies were distinctly different from those of the 4x parents and cultivars. Multivariate analyses of eight traits were performed on data of each of the three field trials in 1976, 1977 and 1978 and on the means of clones over the three years. Multivariate analyses of variance indicated significant differences between mean vectors of the 4x-2x families. Canonical analysis based on means of clones revealed clearly the effects of 4x and 2x parents on the distributions of the 4x-2x families. However, analysis of canonical distances between the hybrid families also suggested the possible existence of interactions of 4x and 2x parents. Substantial distance was observed between the 4x-2x families and the 4x parents and cultivars. The results lead to a discussion on future strategies of using the 4x-2x hybrids in potato breeding.