Implications of precision electroweak experiments for mt, ρ0, sin2θW, and grand unification

The implications of precision Z-pole, W-mass, and weak-neutral-current data for SU(2)×U(1) models are described. Within the minimal model one finds sin2θ^W(MZ)=0.2334±0.0008 in the modified minimal subtraction scheme or sin2θW1MW2MZ2=0.2291±0.0034 in the on-shell scheme, where the uncertainties include the mt and MH dependence. The top-quark mass is predicted to be 1243415+28+20 GeV, where the second uncertainty is from MH, with mt<174(182) GeV at 90 (95)% C.L. For the first time subleading effects and vertex corrections allow a significant separation of mt and ρ0 in models with a nonminimal Higgs structure. Allowing arbitrary mt and Higgs representations one obtains sin2θ^W(MZ)=0.2333±0.0008, ρ0=0.992±0.011, and mt<294(310) GeV. The implications of these results for ordinary and supersymmetric grand unified theories are considered. Supersymmetric theories with a grand desert between the supersymmetry and unification scales are in striking agreement with data for MSUSY in the MZ1 TeV range. Ordinary grand unified theories breaking to the standard model in more than one step are also discussed.