Regret among 547 Danish Sterilized Women

To help identify potential regretters of female sterilization, the women sterilized at Frederiksborg County Hospital, Hørsholm, Denmark, from 1978 through 1982 were contacted by questionnaires, and their medical records were reviewed. Ninety-two per cent (547/594) responded. The median observation time was 50 months. Five per cent of the women (n=28) regretted the sterilization. The risk of regretting the sterilization was signifincatly increased among women who at sterilization experienced marital disharmony (12.5% regretted), had a child less than one year old (14.7% regretted), had the sterilization performed in connection with another surgical procedure (16.1% regretted), were outside the social groupings (17.0% regretted), or had no paid work (10.0% regretted). No association between number of children at the time of sterilization, prior number of contraceptives used, abortion at sterilization, and later regret was found. Twenty-five per cent of the regretters had had psychiatric problems prior to the sterilization. The regretters were sterilized shortly after their request (median 1 month) compared to 3 months among non-regretters. The main reason for regret of sterilization was the desire for more children, independent of a change in marital status. Sequelae to the sterilization was a common complaint. Refertilization was requested by 1% of the sterilized women. The study suggests that the psychosocial situation should be carefully evaluated in women requesting sterilization. A time lag from request to the sterilization should be mandatory and a thorough pre-sterilization counseling including information about possible sequelae and alternative contraceptives should be given.