Potentially curative surgery of colon cancer: the influence of blood vessel invasion.

A number of series have examined the influence of blood vessel invasion (BVI) by tumor on survival of patients with colorectal cancer; however, there are little data available regarding its influence on patterns of failure. In an effort to determine the influence of BVI on the patterns of failure and survival in colon cancer, a retrospective review of 294 patients who underwent potentially curative surgery at the New England Deaconess Hospital (NEDH) was performed. Patients whose tumors had BVI experienced a significant decrease in the 5-year actuarial survival rate. BVI had little impact on the patterns of failure in stage B2 disease, but a significant increase in total failure and local failure (as a component of failure) occurred in stage C2. However, when examined by proportional hazards analysis, BVI was found not to be an independent prognostic variable. For patients with stage C2 tumors, which are also BVI+, radiation therapy to the tumor bed might play a contributory role in overall management.