New mouse 5‐HT2‐like receptor Expression in brain, heart and intestine

A novel member of the family of G protein-coupled receptors has been isolated from a mouse brain cDNA library by screening with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) generated fragment of mouse genomic DNA amplified using degenerated primers. Sequence comparison demonstrates that the encoded protein sequence shows the highest homology to the 5-HT2 family of receptors. The pharmacological profile of membranes from COS cells transfected with this cDNA, corresponds to a new 5-HT2-like receptor that we propose to call 5-HT2C. Its major sites of expression are in the mouse intestine and heart, also with detectable expression in brain and kidney. We speculate that it could account at least in part for the ‘atypical’ functions attributed to the 5-HTIC/5-HT2 receptors.