Mitochondrial Localization of Superoxide Dismutase is Required for Decreasing Radiation-Induced Cellular Damage

Epperly, M. W., Gretton, J. E., Sikora, C. A., Jefferson, M., Bernarding, M., Nie, S. and Greenberger, J. S. Mitochondrial Localization of Superoxide Dismutase is Required for Decreasing Radiation-Induced Cellular Damage. Radiat. Res. 160, 568–578 (2003).We investigated the importance of mitochondrial localization of the SOD2 (MnSOD) transgene product for protection of 32D cl 3 hematopoietic cells from radiation-induced killing. Four plasmids containing (1) the native human copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD, SOD1) transgene, (2) the native SOD2 transgene, (3), the SOD2 transgene minus the mitochondrial localization leader sequence (MnSOD-ML), and (4) the SOD2 mitochondrial leader sequence attached to the active portion of the SOD1 transgene (ML-Cu/ZnSOD) were transfected into 32D cl 3 cells and subclonal lines selected by kanamycin resistance. Clonogenic in vitro radiation survival curves derived for each cell clone showed that Cu/ZnSOD- and MnSOD-ML-expressing clones had no increase in cellular radiation resistance (D0 = 0.89 ± 0.01 and 1.08 ± 0.02 Gy, respectively) compared to parent line 32D cl 3 (D0 = 1.15 ± 0.11 Gy). In contrast, cell clones expressing either SOD2 or ML-Cu/ZnSOD were significantly radioresistant (D0 = 2.1 ± 0.1 and 1.97 ± 0.17 Gy, respectively). Mice injected intraesophageally with SOD2-plasmid/liposome (MnSOD-PL) complex demonstrated significantly less esophagitis after 35 Gy compared to control irradiated mice or mice injected intraesophageally with Cu/ZnSOD-PL or MnSOD-ML-PL. Mice injected with intraesophageal ML-Cu/ZnSOD-PL showed significant radioprotection in one experiment. The data demonstrate the importance of mitochondrial localization of SOD in the in vitro and in vivo protection of cells from radiation-induced cellular damage.