Compensating for near/far effects is critical for satisfactory performance of DS/CDMA systems. So far, practical systems have used power control to overcome fading and near/far effects. Another approach, which has a fundamental potential in not only eliminating near/far effects but also in substantially raising the capacity, is multiuser detection and interference cancellation. Various optimal and suboptimal schemes have been investigated. Most of these schemes, however, get too complex even for relatively simple systems and rely on good channel estimates. For interference cancellation, estimation of channel parameters (viz. received amplitude and phase) is important. We analyze a simple successive interference cancellation scheme for coherent BPSK modulation, where the parameter estimation is done using the output of a linear correlator. We then extend the analysis for a noncoherent modulation scheme, namely M-ary orthogonal modulation. For the noncoherent case, the needed information on both the amplitude and phase is obtained from the correlator output. The performance of the IC scheme along with multipath diversity combining is studied.<>

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