Magnetooptical Characterization of Clb-Type Heusler Compounds, Pt1-x/2Mn1+xSb1-x/2(x=-0.1 and 0, 0.1)

Diagonal (εxx) and off-diagonal (εxy) elements of the dielectric tensor for a polished surface of a bulk sample of stoichiometric PtMnSb were obtained from the measured spectra of reflectance (R), magnetooptical Kerr rotation (θK) and ellipticity (ηK). The enhancement of θKby annealing was found to be due mainly to the decrease in the imaginary part of εxx. The magnetooptical absorption spectrum was in good agreement with that estimated from the joint density of states calculated by van der Heideet al. The spectra of εxxand εxyxwere also obtained for nonstoichiometric Pt1-x/2Mn1+xSb1-x/2(x=-0.1 and 0.1). It was suggested that the band structure was changed by the existence of excess Mn atoms.