An interactive CD-ROM for nutrition screening and counseling

The goal of this project was to develop an interactive CD-ROM for nutrition screening and counseling, designed to produce dietary behavior change in fat and fruit and vegetable intake. The design was based on principles of relevance to the learner, readiness for change, feedback, individualization, facilitation of skills, and goal setting. It was tested in community settings such as libraries, senior centers, and Women, Infants, and Children clinics. Nearly 80% of the respondents (n = 284), including numerous low-income persons, reported learning something new about nutrition and health or their own dietary habits. More than 50% of those recontacted 2 to 4 weeks later had put some of their dietary goals into practice. This program is useful for dietary screening, feedback, skill building, and motivation in settings in which in-person counseling by nutrition professionals is not feasible.