Without claiming that the comparison of the physico-chemical properties of commercial polybutadienes has been entirely satisfactory, we do think that the method of investigation used, with the essential details given, would be of use for any other type of elastomer. This method allowed a comparison of 14 different samples and the determination for each of the principal molecular parameters ([η] ,Mw) as well as the distribution functions. Even if the results have sometimes been incomplete or imprecise we do hope to have rendered a service to the manufacturers and users of these elastomers, which was after all the essential goal of this study. This article represents only a part of the results obtained. For reasons of volume we have had to defer until a later article the examination of the [η] /M relationship, the comparison of the unperturbed dimensions and their correlation with structure, certain theoretical considerations of the virial coefficients, and the presence of branching.

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