Quantitative Determination of the Bacteriostatic Effect of the Sulfonamide Drugs on Pneumococci

A most important source of error in bacteriostatic tests is due to the presence of sulfonamide inhibitor in the usual bacteriological media. Much of the inhibitor may be removed by boiling the media with charcoal at an acid reaction. A fresh liver infusion can be prepd. which is free from sulfonamide inhibitor. This infusion will support the luxuriant growth of various fastidious microorganisms without the addition of peptone. Because of the absence of sulfonamide inhibitor in this medium, relatively large inocula of 5,000 to 20,000 cells can be used in performing bacteriostatic tests. By this means a representative sample of the bacterial population is taken and furthermore strains of pneumococci may be tested immediately after isolation from the patient without the necessity of prolonged adaptation to artificial media.