Spontaneous Tumors of the Thyroid Gland in Mice2

Nine spontaneous tumors of the thyroid gland in mice are reported: 2 in an inbred C3Hf strain and 7 in (C3H or C3Hf × 1) F1 hybrids. Seven tumors arose in females (1 parous, 1 incompletely ovariectomized, 5 ovariectomized) and 2 in intact males (1 bearing a transplanted pituitary tumor). Pituitary and adrenocortical tumors were present in all ovariectomized femalesJ a pituitary tumor was also in the intact untreated male. No thyrotrophic effects of one pituitary tumor could be demonstrated in 15 transplant generations. Three of the thyroid tumors were autonomous and were studied in serial transplantation. Two anaplastic tumors were nonfunctional; a microfollicular tumor was functional. The latent period of the secretory tumor (#64) was significantly shortened by thyroidectomy in both males and Females and significantly lengthened by thyroxine injections in males only. The pathologic effects of this tumor on the untreated host are described. Genetic Factors, hormonal imbalance, and age are discussed as contributory to the development of thyroid neoplasms.