Composite Bolometers As Spectrometers For X-Ray Astronomy

The detection of single events like the absorption of γ or X-rays and a or p particles with cooled thermal detectors is now well established and first resolutions obtained are promising. We have more thoroughly investigated the possibilities of the composite bolometer which offers the advantage of separating the absorbtion, thermal diffusion and thermometric functions. An optimal configuration is the diamond composite bolometer with a monolithic thermistor. Experimental results are presented on the simultaneous detection of different kinds of events (α's + γ -rays and β's + X-rays) at 1 K temperature. These results confirm the high linearity of this detector (better than 1.5 per cent from 20 KeV to 6 MeV) and its ability to accept rather high counting rates (> 100 per second). As a conclusion, we present an example of application to X-ray astronomy and we underline some problems or developments to be studied for a space mission.

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