Relaxation processes of 9-fluorenone and benzophenone in o-terphenyl solution

Dielectric absorption studies have been made on both 9-fluorenone and benzophenone in o-terphenyl solution at several temperatures above the melting point of o-terphenyl in the frequency region 1 to 6 GHz. These relaxation data may be explained in terms of molecular relaxation of individual solute molecules. This is to be contrasted with the behavior of these systems as supercooled liquids where the absorption may be accounted for in terms of an α process which involves cooperative motion. It seems likely that,between the glass transition temperature and the melting point, the motion of regions of the solvent govern the relaxation process of the solute. Above the melting point, however, local solute–solvent motion as involved in the customary dielectric relaxation process of a solute at low concentration in a nonpolar solvent predominates.

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