Optimization of three‐dimensional T1‐weighted gradient‐echo imaging of the cervical spine

Various parameters of the three‐dimensional (3D) T1‐weighted magnetization‐prepared rapid acquisition gradient‐echo (MP‐RAGE) sequence were evaluated to improve spatial resolution while maintaining T1 contrast and a short examination time in imaging of the cervical spine in volunteers. The most dramatic improvements in image resolution occurred by decreasing section thickness to 1.2 mm and increasing the in‐plane matrix to 192 × 256, with a 230‐mm field of view. The increase in imaging time due to the increased matrix was offset by the elimination of the preparation pulse and wait time, without dramatic changes in contrast‐tonoise ratio or overall image quality. Optimum parameters included elimination of the preparation pulse and wait time, 12° flip angle, 192 × 256 matrix, 1.2‐mm section thickness, nonselective excitation (coronal acquisition), RF spoiling, and standard k‐space ordering, for an examination time of 5 minutes 21 seconds.