Changes in expression of murine leukemia virus antigens and production of xenotropic virus in the late preleukemic period in AKR mice.

It was recently reported that thymocytes from 6 mo. old preleukemic AKR mice express higher levels of murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-related antigens than thymocytes from 2 mo. old mice. The level of xenotropic MuLV (defined operationally as MuLV able to infect mink [lung] cell cultures) is also markedly increased in thymus of 6 mo. old AKR mice and this increase in virus correlates closely with increased MuLV-antigen expression. There is no increase of MuLV antigen or xenotropic virus in spleen or lymph nodes. Production of ecotropic MuLV remains unchanged with age in thymus, lymph nodes and spleen. Thymic grafts from 6 mo old AKR mice, but not from 2 mo. old mice, induce amplified MuLV-antigen expression and xenotropic virus production in the thymus of young AKR recipients. Experiments with lethally irradiated AKR mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow cells indicate that age-related changes in the thymus rather than in bone marrow precursor cells are responsible for MuLV-antigen amplification.