Reports on varietal diversity of upland rice in relation to relatively low aluminium (Al) levels are limited. Therefore, effects were examined of 35, 70, and 140 μM Al on plant growth and uptake of macro‐ and micro‐nutrients (K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) and their distribution in three upland rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars (BG35, DA14, and IR45) with different Al sensitivity. After an initial growth period of 5 days without Al, the plants were grown for 21 days in nutrient solutions containing Al at pH 4.1. Cultivar BG35 showed the highest and IR45 the lowest tolerance to Al when fresh weights of shoots or roots were considered. Except for IR45 at 140 μM Al, total dry weight was unaffected by Al, and the cultivars could not be clearly distinguished with respect to Al tolerance. Net Al uptake rate was higher in Al tolerant BG35 than in DA14 or IR45. Conversely, in IR45 the absorbed Al was rapidly transported to the shoots and accumulated there. In BG35, net P and Ca uptake rates in Al‐treated plants were high enough to maintain the P and Ca status of the shoots at all Al levels. Irrespective of Al sensitivity, there was a general depression of internal Mg concentration in Al‐reated plants. The Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn concentrations of the plants were not negatively affected by Al in any of the cultivars.