Nocleotide sequence of tbetmrlocus ofAgrobacterium tumefacienspTi T37 T-DNA

The nucleotide sequence of the tmr locus from the nopaline-type pTi T37 plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was determined. Examination of this sequence allowed us to identify an open reading frame of 720 nucleotides capable of encoding a protein with a derived molecular weight of 27025 d. Comparison of the pTi T37 tmr sequence with the published sequence of the pTi Ach5 tmr locus shows over 88% homology in the 240 bases 5′ to the translational initiation codon and over 91% homology in the coding sequences. The 3′ nontranslated regions show less than 50% homology as expected for the 3′ regions of divergent related genes. The possible significance of areas of conserved sequences, particularly in the 5′ regulatory regions, is discussed.