Influence of thyroid hormone on the development of preoptic-hypothalamic monoaminergic neurons in tadpoles of Bufo bufo japonicus

The effect of thyroid hormone on the development of diencephalic monoaminergic neurons was studied in tadpoles of Bufo bufo japonicus. Monoamine-containing neurons in the preoptic recess organ (PRO) appeared later than those in the paraventricular organ (PVO) and nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID). After deprivation of thyroidal primordium no fluorescent neurons developed in the PRO. Development of monoaminergic neurons in the PVO and NID was not affected by thyroidectomy. Thyroxine treatment brought about the fluorescent neurons in the PRO of the thyroidectomized tadpoles. Fluorescent terminals in the median eminence became conspicuous around the capillaries which penetrated to the median eminence, when the tadpoles reached late prometamorphic stage. In the median eminence of thyroidectomized tadpoles, the monoaminergic axon terminals did not develop. Thyroxine induced both the fluorescent terminals and the capillary penetration in the median eminence of the thyroidectomized tadpoles. In the tadpoles hypophysectomized at tail-bud stage, thyroxine induced neither the fluorescent terminals nor the capillaries in the median eminence.