There were 1361 volunteer subjects of ages 8–45 who were tested to investigate the relationship between hypnotic responsiveness and the subjects' ability to imagine and fantasize. The subjects were given the Creative Imagination Scale (CIS), which contains 10 test-suggestions that ask subjects to imagine various sensations and states of awareness: for example, their hand is becoming warm from the sun, they are eating a delicious orange, they feel that time is slowing down, and they are reexperiencing themselves back in first grade in elementary school. Following administration of the Self-Scoring Form of the CIS. The Wilson-Barber Inventory of Childhood Memories and Imaginings: Children's Form (ICMIC), a pencil-paper questionnaire, was given to find out to what extent subjects remember how they played, fantasized, and imagined during childhood and how their present interests relate to their childhood interests. The results showed that imaginative-fantasy abilities of individuals is related positively to their responsiveness to suggestions in hypnotic situations. In addition, significant correlations between each ICMIC score and total CIS score differed between the age groups.