Immunohistochemical study of the pineal glial cells in the postnatal development of the rat pineal gland

The developmental expression of the glial antigens, vimentin (VIM), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and S‐100 protein is described in the rat pineal gland from the first postnatal day to adulthood. Thick VIM immunopositive cell cords forming a network throughout the pineal gland were observed from the first postnatal days. These cords progressively disappeared during the first postnatal month as their cells dispersed into the pineal parenchyma. From 20 to 25 postnatal days, pineal glial cells appeared as isolated star‐shaped VIM immunopositive cells. Immunostaining for GFAP and S‐100 protein showed a similar developmental expression pattern. Both antigens appeared later than VIM (15–20 postnatal days) and were restricted to the pineal glial cells located in the proximal third of the gland, close to the pineal stalk.