Electron capture andα-particle decay ofPb190

We are investigating the decay properties of even-even lead nuclei with A192 in an effort to understand their anomalous α-decay rates as reported by Hornshöj et al. Our results for Pb192 were recently published. In this study Pb190, T12=1.2±0.1 min, was produced in the W180(O16,6n) reaction and its decay was investigated with the use of an on-line isotope separator facility. Singles and coincidence γ-ray and conversion-electron data were accumulated. In addition, singles γ-ray and α-particle spectra were taken with the detectors positioned in calibrated geometries. Twenty-three transitions were identified and placed into a scheme incorporating 16 levels in Tl190. With this decay scheme information and the absolute photon and α-particle intensities, the Pb190 α-decay branch was determined to be (9.0 ± 2.0) × 103, a value about four times greater than that reported by Hornshöj et al. Our new results for Pb190 and Pb192 indicate that the lead α-decay reduced widths may show a dependence on neutron number observed for other elements.