IT IS WELL known that up to the present there has not been a uniformly satisfactory treatment for any type of lupus erythematosus. Because of this and because of ignorance pertaining to the etiology of the disease, enthusiastic reports extolling the beneficial effects of one drug or another frequently have appeared in the literature. In the therapy unit of the Skin and Cancer Clinic my associates and I have attempted to evaluate some of these newer remedies. Bismuth Sodium Triglycollamate ("Bistrimate")1.—Bismuth is widely employed in the treatment of discoid lupus erythematosus and is generally accepted as a valuable agent in the management of this disease. Each tablet of "bistrimate" contains 410 mg. of bismuth sodium triglycollamate, equivalent to 75 mg. of metallic bismuth. Forty-three patients with discoid lupus erythematosus and 2 persons with subacute disseminated lupus erythematosus were treated with this drug for periods ranging from four