To evaluate the contribution of acquired immune deficiency syndrome–defining conditions (ADCs) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–associated wasting, we analyzed longitudinal data from 671 participants in a nutrition and HIV cohort study. Data on ADCs, height, and weight were collected at baseline and during 6 monthly study visits. The frequency of ADCs decreased over time, but the relative risk (RR) of wasting (decrease in body mass index [BMI] to 1 ADC; the RR of wasting increased 1.3-fold with each additional historical ADC. Any ADC during the 6 months prior to a study visit was associated with a decrease in BMI to 2. The risk of wasting increased 2.7-fold with each additional recent ADC. These risks were not altered when adjusted for socioeconomic status, CD4 cell count, energy intake, or baseline BMI. Although ADCs contribute to the development of wasting, their contribution is relatively small.