Anti-tumoral and anti-inflammatory effects of biological stains

The biological stains, methylene blue and its metabolite azure B, were evaluated as anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory agents. Azur B, administered in drinking water to tumor-bearing mice, inhibited the growth of transplanted tumors and the growth of primary tumors induced by methylcholanthrene. Inhibition of growth of primary tumors was observed only in female mice. Azure B also reduced the wet weight of carrageenin-induced granulomas in rats. Azure B, given intravenously to BCG-sensitized mice 15 minutes prior to challenge with lipopolysaccharide, decreased TNF production (to 10% of control values) and prevented death from endotoxic shock. Methylene blue decreased TNF production (to 50% of control values) but did not protect the animals from endotoxic shock. Our results suggest that some of the effects previously ascribed to methylene blue are probably mediated via its metabolite, i.e. azure B. Low toxicity and easy administration of the dyes explain their use in clinical settings.