MULTIPLE sclerosis is a not uncommon disorder of the central nervous system. Although characteristic pathologic changes have been demonstrated, the cause is unknown, and there is as yet no really adequate treatment. The onset may be gradual or sudden; the course, acute, chronic, remissive or progressive. Because of the multiplicity of lesions, the clinical manifestations are extremely variable. Obviously, such a disorder may be simulated by, or may simulate, various other conditions. Indeed, it has been proposed that it is not an entity but is in reality a syndrome that may be produced by various pathologic processes. The diagnosis is made readily, and usually erroneously, by casual consideration, or more correctly by the painstaking process of exclusion. In such a situation any laboratory aid is welcome. There is as yet no test specific for multiple sclerosis. Nonspecific alterations in the cell count, protein concentration and/or colloidal gold reaction of the

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