Structural polymorphism of murine factor B controlled by a locus closely linked to the H-2 complex and demonstration of multiple alleles

New alleles of murine factor B (Bf) protein were demonstrated. When ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-plasmas from inbred and wild mice were analyzed by isoelectro-focusing (IEF) and immunofixation, murine Bf proteins were visualized as distinct protein bands in all mice tested. Four variants of murine Bf could be demonstrated in a large number of tested mice: Bf 1 (isoelectro-focusing point (P.I.) range of 5.8–6.1) exemplified by B10 and B10.BR, Bf 2 (P.I. range of 5.8–6.0) exemplified by B10.MOL (OHM), Bf 3 (P.I. range of 5.6–5.9) exemplified by B10.MOL (TEN2) and Mus musculus (Mus m.) subspecies Chc, Bf4 (P.I. range of 6.0–6.3) exemplified by Mus m. subspecies Shh. The genetic linkage between S locus and Bf locus was studied with two backcross progenies — [B 10.BR × (B10.BR × Mus m. subspecies Chc)F1] and [B 10.BR × (B10.BR × Mus m. subspecies Shh)F1]. Totally, 256 backcross progenies were typed for Bf type and for Ss type (plasma level of the fourth complement protein regulated by S locus). The results indicated that murine Bf was controlled by a single codominant locus located close to the H-2 complex because no mouse showing recombination between Bf locus and S locus was found.