Persistence of Intrinsic Neurones and Possible Phenotypic Changes after Extrinsic Denervation of Human Respiratory Tract by Heart-Lung Transplantation

Respiratory tract nerves have cell bodies outside (sensory, sympathetic) and inside (parasympathetic) the organ and contain bioactive peptides. These include calcitonin gene-related peptide and tachykinins (sensory nerves), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (parasympathetic nerves), and neuropeptide with tyrosine (sympathetic nerves). Because transplantation interrupts the extrinsic nerve supply to the tissues, we have examined transplanted human respiratory tracts (n = 11) removed at retransplantation 2 to 42 months after the primary transplant in order to determine whether any nerves and peptide synthesis persist. As controls to establish nerve distribution in human respiratory tract, tissues were obtained from 10 lung resections and five autopsies. Cryostat sections were immunostained to demonstrate the general neural marker PGP 9.5, neuropeptides, and the catecholamine-synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Nerves immunoreactive for PGP 9.5 were detected in all transplanted tissues. They were fewer in number overall than in control tissue, significantly so in epithelium of trachea and bronchus where they were present sparsely in only three cases. Nerves immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase were significantly fewer in the transplants. Peptide-immunoreactive nerves were also reduced in number in the transplants, except for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, which was only significantly changed in blood vessels in the lung. Ganglion cells immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase and neuropeptide with tyrosine were seen in the transplanted tissues in five cases, but never in the control tissues. We conclude that whereas some nerves and neuropeptide synthesis persist after extrinsic pulmonary denervation, potentially significant changes also occur, including the appearance in intrinsic parasympathetic neurones of immunoreactivity for a catecholamine-synthesizing enzyme and a peptide normally found in sympathetic nerves.