Characterization of a superlattice with an enlarged well by synchrotron radiation and photoluminescence

The authors have studied a binary (AlAs/GaAs) multilayer structure and a short-period ternary (AlGaAs/GaAs) superlattice with a central enlarged GaAs single quantum well grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) (involving synchrotron radiation) and photoluminescence (PL). Using careful simulations of the X-ray diffraction pattern, they have evaluated the width of the enlarged quantum well from the thickness oscillation features near the satellites. The well thicknesses obtained by XRD and PL are correlated and show agreement of the values concluded from these independent experimental methods. Based on numerical simulations, the features of the thickness oscillations are discussed in more detail with the intention of presenting possibilities appropriate for the analysis of artificially layered structures by means of XRD.