6 laboratory methods for estimating silage digestibility was determined using dried, ground samples of 32 silages having known animal digestibility. These silages were made from legumes, grass-legume mixtures, corn, sorghum and other grain crops. Laboratory methods used and the correlation with animal digestible dry matter are as follows: cellulose digestion in the artificial rumen, r =+ 0.40; dry matter digestion in the artificial rumen, r =+ 0.30; digestible laboratory nutrients, r =+ 0.22; acid-deter gent fiber, r =-0.33; acid-detergent lignin, r =-0.47. Limited data on dry matter loss in a semipermeable artificial rumen showed no apparent association with animal digestibility. Adjustment of acid-detergent lignin values for nitrogen contamination and a division of the silages resulted in correlations with animal digestible dry matter of - 0.49, - 0.84, and - 0.78 for 21 total, 13 hay-crop and 8 other silages, respectively.