Heme‐linked ionization and ligand binding produce identical changes of proximal heme stereochemistry in reduced horseradish peroxidase Evidence for existence of two protein conformations

The visible and near infrared magnetic circular dichroism spectra of chemically reduced horseradish peroxidase at neutral and alkaline pH values and 5‐coordinate protoheme‐(2‐methylimidazole) at pH 9.1 were compared at 4.2 K with those of photolysis products of their carbon monoxide complexes. From the results obtained we concluded that: (i) there are two protein conformations of HRP which determine the geometry of the Fe‐N(His) bond; (ii) the transition from one conformation (heme stereochemistry) to another can be induced by either heme‐linked ionization or ligand binding; (iii) a trigger mechanism for switching between two conformations has to exist.

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